Global Student Entrepreneur Awards
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On December 8th, 2022 the EO CT Chapter awarded their GSEA Grand Prize to Floe Inc..
Floe is a Yale & MIT cleantech startup developing a smart, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution to prevent extensive water damage caused by dangerous ice formation on roofs, known as ice dams. There are $9.5B+ in annual damages caused by ice dams on US buildings nationwide, and current solutions are terribly expensive (and often cost-prohibitive), extremely energy-demanding, unsafe, and often labor intensive, which poses a significant liability risk for workers.
We have developed an intelligent solution that monitors ice and water buildup with its advanced IoT sensors, and deposits, when appropriate, a small volume of a transparent, non-corrosive, non-toxic, biodegradable, and pet & plant-safe deicing fluid onto the roof to create channels that allows snowmelt to discharge before it causes damage to the building. Our automated, simple solution eliminates the need for workers to risk their lives climbing on roofs in the winter. It also both reduces operating costs by >40% and cuts carbon emissions by more than 99% compared to existing solutions.
Zach Hochberg | Hochberg Marketing
Enrico Buoro | Xassa